HP ProLiant
Storage Server Service Release 6.6
release notes
These release notes provide information and describe issues related to the release of Service Release 6.6 for HP ProLiant
Storage Servers, HP ProLiant Data Protection Storage Servers and HP StorageWorks NAS Products.
Part number: 5697–6839
First edition: October 2007
Version information can be obtained:
In the HP ProLiant Storage Server Management console by selecting System Settings and viewing
System Information.
In the HP ProLiant Storage Server Web UI by selecting the Status tab, then System Information tab.
These release notes provide information about the contents of Service Release 6.6 and describe issues
related to the release of Service Release 6.6 for HP ProLiant Storage Servers, HP ProLiant Data Protection
Storage Servers, and HP StorageWorks NAS products using the supported operating systems. The
Service Release provides an installation utility and a rollup of individual support update components for
your system. Applying this Service Release will update your HP ProLiant Storage System to version 6.6.
Use the Service Release 6.6 setup program to install the Service Release.
Update recommendation Recommended
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is required before installing the Service Release.
For Web downloads, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 should be obtained
separately from Microsoft; it is not included in the Service Release contents downloaded from
the HP.com (Software & Drivers) site.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is included as a separate installable component
located in the D:\MICROSOFT\W2K3_SP2 folder on the Service Release DVD.
For systems using Windows Storage Server 2003 without Windows Server 2003 SP1 installed, the Service
Release setup must be run first prior to installing Windows Server 2003 SP2. A required HP Storage
Server system update will be installed allowing Windows Server 2003 SP2 to be installed successfully.
If needed, the HP Storage Server Installer for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 in the Service Release
will guide you through the installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2. The following software
components are required on HP Storage Server for installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2:
HP Storage Server System Update
Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
For more information on this service pack, including the release notes, readme, installation instructions,
list of updates, and list of security updates, see the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Web
Service Release 5.6 is required before installing this Service Release for systems running Microsoft
Windows Storage Server 2003 (without Windows Storage Server 2003 R2) for HP NAS Web User
Interface (Web UI) updates. This prerequisite applies only to:
Systems with no previous Service Release installed or systems with Service Release 5.5 or earlier
Systems that have been Quick Restored to the base image version (version 5.5 or earlier)
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
Service Release 5.6 does not apply to HP ProLiant Storage Servers running Microsoft Windows Storage
Server 2003 R2.
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.1 is an update only for HP ProLiant Storage Servers with Microsoft
iSCSI Software Target 3.0 installed.
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 Supplemental Update applies to HP ProLiant
Storage Servers running Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 x64 Enterprise Edition.
Product models
These release notes apply to the storage servers listed in the following table.
Table 1 Storage servers covered by Service Release 6.6
Product series
Product model
DL100 Storage Server
DL100 G2 Storage Server
DL100 G2 File Print Appliance
DL320s Storage Server
DL380 G3 Storage Server
DL380 G4 Storage Server
DL380 G5 Storage Server
DL380 G5 x64 SAN Storage Server
DL580 G2 Storage Server
DL585 Storage Server
HP ProLiant Storage Server
DL585 G2 Storage Server
ML110 Storage Server
ML110 G2 Storage Server
ML310 G3 Storage Server
ML310 G4 Storage Server
ML350 G4 Storage Server
ML350 G4p Storage Server
ML350 G5 Storage Server
ML370 G4 Storage Server
DL100 G2 Data Protection Storage Server
DL380 G4 Data Protection Storage Server
DL380 G5 Data Protection Storage Server
ML310 G3 Data Protection Storage Server
HP ProLiant Data Protection Storage Server
HP StorageWorks NAS
StorageWorks NAS 500s
StorageWorks NAS 1200s
StorageWorks NAS 1500s
StorageWorks NAS 2000s
StorageWorks NAS 4000s
StorageWorks NAS 9000s
Operating systems
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 x64 Editions
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition
The Service Release is available in the following languages:
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Issues and workarounds
Issues and their workarounds have been identified and placed into categories. These categories are:
General installation issues
This section details general issues with the installation of Service Release 6.6 or use of Service Release
Installation Wizard.
Minimum disk space requirement for Service Release 6.6 installation
The HP ProLiant Storage Server should have at least 1 GB of available space on
the system drive when installing the Service Release. The specific amount of disk
space required depends on the components that are selected for installation.
There is no workaround, other than ensuring that the system drive where the Service
Release setup is installed has more than 1 GB of available disk space. To free
Workaround up disk space, unnecessary files can be deleted from the C:\temp folder. This
situation can also be avoided by ensuring that only the necessary components are
selected for installation when the Service Release setup is run.
Free hard disk space requirements for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
A minimum of 1.3GB of free hard disk space is required on your system
when installing Windows Server 2003 SP2 from the Service Release DVD.
For more information about hard disk free space requirements for Windows
Server 2003 SP2, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB926029 at
Workaround Not applicable.
Intel NIC driver installation fails when installed over a network share
The installation of the Intel network interface card driver fails when attempted
over a network share.
Perform the installation directly from the Service Release DVD or by copying the
DVD contents to a local drive on the storage server.
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
Install Shield Error 1607/1628 during Service Release installation
Installation error 1607: Unable to install Install Shield
Scripting Runtime and/or 1628: failed to complete
installation may be reported during installation of the Service Release. This
error can occur for various reasons, the most prevalent being a driver did not
exit properly when the Service Release is run the first time. This issue is currently
under investigation.
Run the Service Release again after ensuring that no instances of the processes
named msiexec.exe, setup.exe, or idriver.exe are running.
User intervention required during installation of SMS v2.02 on HP ProLiant DL100 G2 servers
with the IMB v3.0 driver
During installation of the Server Management System v2.02 on DL100 G2 servers,
the IMB v3.0 driver sometimes displays a security warning stating the driver does
not have digital signature.
Accepting the warning message by clicking Continue proceeds with the installation
without any issues.
Some information in the Service Release may appear as English instead of the selected language
During installation of the Service Release, some screens may display text as English
instead of the selected language.
Workaround This issue will be corrected in the next Service Release.
For HP StorageWorks NAS servers and HP ProLiant Storage Servers with mirrored OS drives
(such as the ML110 G2 Express model), the OS drive re-mirroring fix offered in previous Service
Releases has been removed
The OS drive re-mirroring fix, which ensures that both disks are bootable in the
event of a failure of a drive, has been removed in order to preclude a condition
where the ML110 G2 Express Storage Server (Japanese model) fails to boot from
mirrored OS drives.
To update the Service Release 6.6 patch for these servers, manually switch to the
mirrored OS and perform the Service Release installation.
The HP Storage Server Management console may not be available after installing the Service
The HP Storage Server Management console may not be available after installing
the Service Release for some HP ProLiant Storage Servers with the HP Storage
Server R2 Localization DVD — Windows Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Pack
Using Windows Add or Remove Programs, remove the HP Storage Server
Workaround Management Service. Run the Service Release installation again and install the
HP Storage Server Management console component.
Web UI 5.6.2 is not installed with Service Release 6.6
On StorageWorks NAS products, the Web UI 5.6.2 patch is not installed with
Service Release 6.6.
The Web UI 5.6.2 patch is copied to the C:\hpnas\components\WE-
Workaround BUI_5.6.2_Update folder. If not installed by using the HP Service Release 6.6
Wizard, the patch must be installed manually.
Providing a mapped drive with a disconnected network path might hang the HP Service release
If you provide a mapped drive assigned to a network path that is disconnected
from the Settings page of the HP Service Release Wizard, it might hang during
the installation process.
Provide the complete network path URL as the path.
Reconnect the network path for the mapped drive in Windows Explorer.
A reboot message is displayed even though the progress of installation is not complete
After the installation of Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, a reboot message is
prompted by the HP Service Release Wizard. However, the progress bar shows
only around 50% completion.
Workaround This error message can be ignored.
Installation issues on systems using Windows Storage Server 2003
The following installation issues apply only to systems running Windows Server 2003 that have not yet
had Windows Server 2003 R2 installed.
Microsoft hotfix KB894537 cannot be installed on servers with Services for Unix v3.5
Microsoft hotfix KB894537 cannot be installed on servers with SFU v3.5.
Microsoft hotfixes KB895398 and Q870078 are prerequisites and should be
Workaround selected and installed while KB894537 is installed. These hotfixes are listed in the
Service Release 6.6 Microsoft hotfix feature tree.
The storage server fails to reboot when KB840141 and Remote Storage Windows components
are both installed
The storage server fails to reboot when Microsoft hotfix KB840141 and Remote
Storage Windows components are both installed on the system.
Ensure that hotfix KB896718 (KB840141 is bundled as part of KB896718) is not
selected for installation during the Service Release setup if the Remote Windows
Workaround component is already installed on the storage server. If hotfix KB840141 is
already installed on the storage server, do not add the Remote Storage Windows
component to the system through the Microsoft Add or Remove Programs applet.
HP Service Release Wizard
HP Service Release Client and Server fails to repair itself
The repair option does not complete at times for the HP Service Release Client or
the HP Service Release Server.
1. Unistall the HP Service Release Server/Client.
2. Run the HP Service Release setup.exe.
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
HP NAS Updater installed in previous Service Releases cannot be used to install Service Release
The HP NAS Updater installed with previous Service Releases cannot be used to
launch Service Release 6.6. Attempting to install Service Release 6.6 with the
older utility might result in the error message Version of NAS Updater on
this system does not support installation. Please install
latest version of NAS Updater.
Install the HP Service Release Wizard bundled with Service Release 6.6 by running
the setup.exe file located at the root level of the Service Release.
Some ROM Flash components not checked for installation by Service Release Wizard
Some ROM Flash components are not checked for installation in the Component
Updates Selection screen of the Service Release Wizard. A check indicates the
Service Release has a more recent version of the component compared to the
installed version on the system.
The issue applies to the following ROM Flash components:
DL100 G2 BIOS Update
HP NC-Series Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows Server
HP NC-Series Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows Server
2003 x64 Editions
HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator Firmware Component
ROM Flash for iLO
ROM Flash for iLO (Japanese)
ROM Flash for iLO2
ROM Flash for iLO2(Japanese)
ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array P400 and P400i
ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array P600
ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array P800
ROM Flash for Smart Array 641/642
ROM Flash for Smart Array 6400
ROM Flash for Windows - MSA20
HP 6-port SATA RAID Controller Firmware Update (Note: files are extracted
to C:\SP30558)
Firmware and BIOS for HP SATA HBA with RAID (Note: files are extracted
to C:\SP34281)
When a check is supplied by the user for applicable ROM Flash components
listed above, the Service Release Wizard will install the ROM Flash component
supplied with the Service Release. The underlying ROM Flash component installer
determines whether the installed version of the component will be updated or not.
Refer to the cpqsetup.log located at C:\CPQSYSTEM\log to verify the installation
status of the ROM Flash component.
Some ROM Flash components may not be applicable to your system.
Network drive letter path does not work with the Service Release Wizard
The HP Service Release wizard can show an error indicating failure in locating
components when a network share is mapped to a drive letter.
Workaround Provide the complete network UNC path of the HP Service Release component.
HP Service Release Wizard does not automatically start after installing the prerequisites
After installing the prerequisite components of HP Service Release 6.6, the wizard
will prompt for a restart. After the restart, the wizard might not start automatically.
Start the wizard manually by selecting the HP Service Release Wizard on the
desktop. Alternately, the wizard can be started through Start > Program > HP
Service Release > HP Service Release Wizard. This problem will be corrected in
the next release.
HP Service Release setup does not automatically lauch the HP Service Release Wizard on x64
After the installation of Service Release, the wizard is not launched automatically.
Launch the wizard manually by selecting the HP Service Release Wizard on the
desktop. Alternately, the wizard can be launched through Start > Program > HP
Service Release > HP Service Release Wizard. This problem will be corrected in
the next release.
Selecting a network path for Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 is not accepted
When installing the HP Service Release using the Web update version, a Browse
button appears on the Prerequisite page if Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Service Pack 2 is not installed on the system. If you select a network path for the
Service Pack 2 location, the wizard will not accept it.
Copy the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 installer on the system
locally, and provide the local path for selection.
The HP Service Release Wizard hangs
The HP Service Release Wizard might appear to hang while downloading Service
Release components from a network path.
The wizard refreshes itself automatically. The refresh occurs every few seconds,
Workaround and in certain instances can extend to two minutes. If the hanging issue persists,
restart the system. This will be corrected in the next release.
Text in the HP Service Release Wizard is not displayed in the local language
Component names and descriptions in the HP Service Release Wizard are not
displayed in the local language.
1. Click Start > Control Panel.
2. Double-click Regional and Language Options.
3. Click the Advanvced tab.
4. Select the local language from the list.
5. Check the Apply all settings to the current user account and to the default
user profile check box.
6. Click OK.
Service Release 6.6 provides the following enhancements and updates for storage servers:
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
Some of the following enhancements and updates may not apply to your storage server.
HP ProLiant Smart Component Updates x86 Editions
The ProLiant Smart Component updates are from the ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 x86 Editions, version 7.90.
CP007671: HP System Management Homepage for Windows
CP007541: HP ProLiant iLO Advanced and Enhanced System Management Controller Driver
for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007692: HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows 2000/Windows
Server 2003
CP007522: AMD Chipset Support for ProLiant Servers for Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003
CP007357: Intel Chipset Support for ProLiant Servers for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007770: HP ProLiant 64-Bit/133-MHz Single/Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI HBA and SCxxXe
series SCSI HBA Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007703: HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007527: HP 6-Port SATA RAID Controller Driver for Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003
CP007955: HP ProLiant Smart Array 5x and 6x Controller Driver for Windows 2000/Server
CP007958: HP ProLiant Smart Array Device Manager Extension for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP005783: HP ProLiant Integrated Ultra ATA-100 Dual Channel Driver for Windows
2000/Server 2003
CP006269: HP ProLiant CSB-6 ATA-100 IDE RAID Driver for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007169: HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Adapter Kit for the x86 Emulex Storport Driver
CP007523: HP ProLiant Storage System Driver for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007503: HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Adapter Kit for the x86 QLogic Storport Driver
CP007543: HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Array Notification Driver for Windows 2000/Server
CP007776: HP ProLiant Remote Monitor Service for Windows
CP007533: HP ProLiant PCI Hot Plug Controller Driver for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007922 HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out Management Interface Driver for Windows
2000/Server 2003
CP007525: HP ProLiant Remote Insight Lights-Out II Board Driver for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007744: HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer for Windows
CP007578: HP ProLiant Array Configuration Utility for Windows
CP007433: HP ProLiant Array Diagnostics Utility for Windows
CP007432: HP ProLiant Array Configuration Utility (CLI) for Windows
CP007714: HP NC-Series Intel Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007665: HP NC-Series Broadcom Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007625: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2003
CP007755: HP Version Control Agent for Windows
CP007669: HP Insight Management Agents for Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003
CP008049: HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows 2000/Server 2003
CP007668: HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003
CP007668: HP High Precision Event Timer NULL INF for Windows 2000/ Windows Server 2003
CP007524: HP ProLiant Remote Insight Board Driver for Windows
CP007600: HP NC31xx Fast Ethernet NIC Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007444: HP ProLiant ATI RAGE XL Video Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007660: HP NC-Series Intel N1E Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007459: ATI ES1000 Video Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP007924: HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service for Windows Server
CP007339: High Precision Event Timer Support for ProLiant Servers for Windows Server 2003
CP007204: HP Virus Throttle for Windows Server 2003
CP007529: HP NULL IPMI Controller Driver for Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003
CP007530: HP ProLiant IPMI Provider
CP007676: HP NC-Series Multifunction Driver for Windows Server 2003
CP008024: PCI-express Power Management Update
HP ProLiant Smart Component Updates x64 Editions
The ProLiant Smart Component updates are from the ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 x64 Editions, version 7.90.
CP007626: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007677: HP NC-Series Multifunction Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007715: HP NC-Series Intel Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007661: HP NC-Series Intel N1E Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007555: HP NULL IPMI Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP008046: HP ProLiant 64-Bit/133-MHz Single/Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI HBA and SCxxXe
series SCSI HBA Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007670: HP Insight Management Agents for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007925: HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service for Windows Server
2003 x64 Editions
CP007704: HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003
x64 Edition
CP007667: HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007957: HP ProLiant Smart Array Device Manager Extension for Windows Server 2003
x64 Editions
CP007573: HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Array Notification Driver for Windows Server
2003 x64 Editions
CP008050: HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility for Windows 2003 x64 Editions
CP007205: HP Virus Throttle for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007460: ATI ES1000 Video Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
CP007915: HP 4/8 Internal Port SAS HBA with RAID and SCxxGe series HBA Driver for
Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007666: HP NCSeries Broadcom Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007557: HP ProLiant iLO Advanced and Enhanced System Management Controller Driver for
Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007693: HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver x64 Editions
CP007554: AMD Chipset Support for ProLiant Servers x64 Editions
CP007969: HP ProLiant Smart Array 5x and 6x Controller Driver for Windows Server 2003
x64 Editions
CP007565: HP ProLiant Storage System Driver for Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
CP007170: HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Adapter Kit for the x64 Emulex Storport Driver
CP007504 HP StorageWorks Fibre Channel Adapter Kit for the x64 QLogic Storport Driver
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
CP007671: HP System Management Homepage for Windows
CP007776: HP ProLiant Remote Monitor Service for Windows
CP007744: HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer for Windows
CP007578: HP ProLiant Array Configuration Utility for Windows
CP007433: HP ProLiant Array Diagnostics Utility for Windows
CP007432: HP ProLiant Array Configuration Utility (CLI) for Windows
CP007755: HP Version Control Agent for Windows
CP007530: HP ProLiant IPMI Provider
CP008024: PCI-express Power Management Update
ROM Flash, Firmware, and BIOS Updates
The ROM Flash updates to the System BIOS, storage controller, and NIC firmware are from the ProLiant
Firmware Maintenance CD version 7.90.
CP007640: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - HP Proliant ML310 G3 (W02)
CP007701: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant ML310 G4 (W03)
CP006539: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant ML350 G4 (D17)
CP006542: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant ML350 G4p (D19)
CP007788: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant ML350 G5 (D21) Servers
CP006536: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant ML370 G4 (P50)
CP007709: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL320s (W04) Servers
CP005041: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL380 G3 (P29)
CP006825: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL380 G4 (P51)
CP007774: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL380 G5 (P56)
CP005039: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - HP ProLiant DL580 G2 (P27)
CP007674: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL585 (A01) Servers
CP007685: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP ProLiant DL585 G2 (A07)
CP007846: HP NC-Series Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows Server 2003
CP007847: HP NC-Series Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for Windows Server
2003 x64 Editions
CP007916: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP Integrated Lights-Out
CP007828: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP Integrated Lights-Out (Japanese)
CP007926: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP Integrated Lights-Out 2
CP007681: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - HP Integrated Lights-Out2 (Japanese)
CP007768: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array E200 and E200i
CP007889: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - Smart Array P400 and P400i
CP006722: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - Smart Array 5i and SA-532,
CP007619: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array 6i
CP007620: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array 641/642
CP007621: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - Smart Array 6400
CP008082: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - MSA20
SP30558: HP 6-port SATA RAID Controller Firmware Update,
CP007885: Online ROM Flash Component For Windows - Smart Array P800
CP007070: Online ROM Flash Component for Windows - Smart Array P600
SP34281: Firmware and BIOS for HP SATA HBA with RAID
DL100 G2 BIOS Update version 1.10
System Drivers and Components
The System Drivers and Components includes other software, drivers and management agents for your
HP ProLiant Storage Server.
Intel NIC drivers and Intel ProSet for Windows Device Manager version 12.1
HP Server Management System for Windows, version 2.0.2
Broadcom NetExtreme BCM57xx NIC driver version 10.24
Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 (BACS) version
HP SATA RAID Controller Manager (HPSM) version 4.10–4590
Adaptec SATA RAID 2410 Device Driver version
Adaptec Storage Manager for 2420 SATA Controller version 4.10.4813
Adaptec Storage Manager for 2410 SATA Controller version 4.30.16038 (DL100 G1 and
1500s models only)
Hotplug Service Update for Adaptec 2410 version
Hotplug Service Update for Adaptec 2420 version
Java Runtime Environment Update, version 1.6.0 Update 2
The Java Runtime Environment is the minimum standard Java computing environment for running
applications written in the Java programming language. It contains the Java virtual machine, Java core
classes, and supporting files.
HP Service Release Wizard
The HP Service Release Wizard provides a simple user interface to install the Service Release. The
Service Release automatically installs the HP Service Release Wizard and replaces the HP Service
Release NAS Updater Utility.
Service Release installation adds the HP Service Release service for managing software updates and
creates the HPSRUser account on the storage server. The HPSRUser account is required to use the HP
Service Release Wizard. If needed, the HPSRUser account can be deleted following installation of the
Service Release. If the HPSRUser account is removed and the HP Service Release Wizard is needed
again, restart the HP Service Release service and run the Service Release setup program.
In earlier releases of HP ProLiant DL100 G2 Storage Servers using either the Adaptec SATA RAID
2410 or 2420 SA Controllers, an error message appeared in the Windows System Event log
reporting that a disk in a slot was “plug out” or removed although no drives were removed. This
issue is now resolved by installing the applicable Hotplug Service Update to your Adaptec
Controller product (2410, 2420) installed on your system. The HotPlug Service Update is located
in the System Drivers and Components category during installation of the Service Release.
Consistency Check fix for HP ProLiant DL100 G1 and HP StorageWorks NAS products using
the Adaptec 2410 RAID Controller. This issue is now resolved by installing the Adaptec Storage
Manager version 4.30 (16038) supplied in the Service Release.
Microsoft Updates
Some of the following Microsoft updates may not apply to your storage server.
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
Microsoft Service Packs
The following Microsoft Service Packs are available with the Service Release 6.6:
KB914961: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (available on the Service Release
DVD only)
KB923706: Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 Service Pack 1 (HP ProLiant
Data Protection Storage Servers only)
Microsoft Component Updates
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.1
Support for Active/Active clustering
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target Multilingual User Interface
Support for volumes larger than 2 terabytes on a Windows Server 2003-based server cluster
(requires hotfix KB919117)
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target documentation is located in the Service Release at
MICROSOFT\x32\iSCSI\Target\Docs and MICROSOFT\x64\iSCSI\Target\Docs.
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator 2.05
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 Supplemental Update
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target 3.1
Microsoft iSCSI Software Target Multilingual User Interface
Enhanced management interface for initial configuration of Windows Unified Data Storage
Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Unified Data Storage Server 2003 Supplemental Update documentation is
located in the Service Release at MICROSOFT\x64\WUDSS\docs.
Microsoft Hotfixes
Microsoft Hotfixes are intentionally unchecked by default in the Service Release. Microsoft Hotfixes or
Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) updates are only intended to correct a specific problem and should be
applied only if the system is experiencing that specific problem. Review the Microsoft Knowledge Base
(KB) article before applying the Hotfix. KB articles can be accessed at http://support.microsoft.com.
If you are not severely affected by the specific problem, you should wait for the next Windows Server
2003 Service Pack which might contain the Hotfix.
KB896718: The amount of used disk space that is displayed by a Storage Manager directory
quota is less than the actual amount of disk space that is used.
KB907648 Storage Manager may cause your computer to stop responding in Windows Storage
Server 2003.
KB831654: You cannot see a graph or a spreadsheet when you view active HTML storage reports.
KB832250: Windows Management Instrumentation service terminates with Event ID 7031.
KB897078: The mknod() functionality was not included in Microsoft Network File System.
Q897078: The mknod() functionality was not included in Microsoft Network File System
KB895398: This update merges several previous updates for Services For Unix (SFU).
KB899522: The POSIX subsystem process, Korn shell scripts, and Interix applications can fail
after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 on a computer that is running Windows
Services for UNIX 3.5.
KB894537: Windows-based applications may not be notified of file changes when the changes
are made by using Server for NFS in Windows Services for UNIX 3.5.
KB904838: Fix for Windows Services for UNIX 3.5.
KB910330: Modifies the formulas that DPM 2006 uses to allocate space for shadow copy
storage on the DPM 2006 to solve the problem of overwriting stored shadow copies.
KB935949: The Virtual Disk Service (VDS) in Windows Server 2003 does not return port-specific
identifiers for a storage device
KB932755: An updated Storport storage driver (version 5.2.3790.4021) is available for
Windows Server 2003
KB924979: WMI Performance Adapter process may exhaust all available CPU resources in
Windows Server 2003
KB935561: Storport may not delete zombie LUN objects when a storage adapter is
surprise-removed by software in Windows Server 2003
KB919117: Adds support for GUID partition table (GPT) volumes that are larger than 2 terabytes
on a Windows Server 2003-based server cluster
KB936529: Fixes a problem that occurs because the installation program for Windows Server
2003 Service Pack 2 incorrectly replaces the Psxss.exe file from Windows Service for UNIX 3.5
Microsoft Security Patches
The following Microsoft Components are available with Service Release 6.6:
KB925902: Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS07-017)
KB932168: Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS07-020)
KB930178: Vulnerabilities in CSRSS Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS07-021)
KB931784: Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (MS07-022)
KB931768: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (MS07-027)
KB935966: Vulnerability in Windows DNS RPC Interface Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB935840: Vulnerability in the Windows Schannel Security Package Could Allow Remote Code
Execution (MS07-031)
KB933566: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (MS07-033)
KB929123: Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail (MS07-034)
KB935839: Vulnerability in Win32 API Could Allow Remote Code Execution (MS07-035)
KB926122: Vulnerability in Windows Active Directory Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB921503: Vulnerability in OLE Automation could allow remote code execution (MS07-043)
KB924667: Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes could allow for Remote Code Execution
KB925398: Vulnerability in Windows Media Format could allow remote code execution
KB928365: Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0
KB933854: Security update for the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 for Windows Server
KB936357: A microcode reliability update is available that improves the reliability of systems that
use Intel processors
KB937143: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (MS07–045)
KB936227: Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB927978: Security update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 (MS06-071)
Storage Server Service Release 6.6 release notes
KB927891: You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to become
unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows Update or from Microsoft Update
KB932596: Update to improve Kernel Patch Protection
KB936782: Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB938127: Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB933360: August 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems
Supersedes history
Effective date
October 19th, 2007
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