Shutter Release
Ikelite Digital Housing
i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l
#6138 for Olympus D-230
Shutter Lock
Lens Port
HHoouussiinngg FFrroonntt
Accessory Shoe
Shutter Button
Thumb Rest
Arrow Pad
Congratulations on your purchase of an Ikelite Digital Camera
Housing. Ikelite has over 30 years of experience in the underwater
photographic and lighting market. Our products are designed and
built in the USA by Ikelite for both the professional and amateur
The clear housing permits instant visual inspection of the camera
and all sealing surfaces as well as complete monitoring of controls
and camera LCD screens.
Locking Latch
This housing has been water pressure tested at the factory.
Housing is pressure tested to 125’ (38m).
HHoouussiinngg BBaacckk
Tray Mounting Shoes
OOppeenniinngg tthhee HHoouussiinngg
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCaammeerraa
Push back on the lock and lift the latch. Unhook the latch from the
front of the housing. The two halves of the housing will now swing
Slide the camera’s Lens Barrier OPEN, this turns the camera ON.
There is no provision in the housing for sliding the Lens
Barrier once the camera is in the housing.
With the housing face down place the right edge of the camera
into the housing as far forward as possible and against the foam
spacer on the right. Gently push the left edge of the camera into
the housing with the base of the camera against the bottom of the
housing. The top foam spacer and the front rubber spacers hold the
camera in position.
Push back on
Lock and Rotate
the Latch open
Release Arm
OOppeenniinngg tthhee HHoouussiinngg
Foam Spacer
Foam Spacer
IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee CCaammeerraa
GGeenneerraall TTiippss
GGeenneerraall TTiippss ccoonntt..
1. Due to the power required to operate the camera, flash,
and LCD screen it is a good idea to start each dive with a
fresh set of batteries. (see camera manual).
6. Much is written about reviewing pictures on the LCD screen
right after taking them and deleting the bad ones. While it is
some what possible to evaluate your picture on the LCD screen,
taking the time to eliminate the bad ones may not be the best
approach. In bright sunlight the LCD screen can be difficult to
see and underwater one does not have a lot of time to spend
eliminating photographs. A better solution is to purchase a
large memory card (film) that will allow you to take 100 plus
pictures in the High Quality mode. For most divers this would
be enough storage space for pictures from a couple of dives.
With a larger card you can check the picture, if it isn’t what you
want you don’t have to spend time deleting the picture, you can
spend that time concentrating on the subject and how to take a
better picture. Photos are best evaluated on a computer screen.
2. As soon as you enter the water, take a moment and check the
housing to see that it is properly sealed.
3. Next, check to see if there are any bubbles on the face
of the lens port. If there are, take your finger and remove them.
If there are bubbles on the lens port they can produce soft focus
spots in your photographs.
4. Use the macro mode for photographs closer than 1.5 feet
5. Shoot pictures at the highest resolution. Several printing
methods require high resolution. It is easy to reduce the size
and resolution, but almost impossible to increase size and
resolution from a small file and obtain a satisfactory result.
IIkkeelliittee LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy
PPhhoottoo TTiippss
All Ikelite products are warranted against any manufacturing
defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
Defective products should be returned prepaid to Ikelite.
Ikelite will, at its discretion, repair or replace such products,
and will return to customer prepaid. All other claims, of any
nature, including but not limited to bulb failure are not covered.
Except as mentioned above, no other warranty expressed
or implied, applies to this Ikelite product.
1. The number one rule in underwater photography is
eliminate as much water between camera and subject as
possible. Get as close as you can to the subject, then use the
zoom. If you are using flash, subjects beyond 5-6 feet (1.8m)
will not have much color.
2. Digital cameras have a slight lag time between when you
press the shutter release button and the camera actually takes
the picture. Hold the camera steady a second or two after
pressing the shutter release button.
RReettuurrnniinngg PPrroodduuccttss ffoorr SSeerrvviiccee
3. Do not shoot down on subjects as they will quite often blend
into the background and be difficult to see in the photograph.
Shoot subjects straight on or shoot up at a slight angle using
the blue water as a contrasting background.
Ikelite is most interested in performing any service to assure
that all products perform as intended. For repair or service, return
the product to the address below with your name, address, phone
number and a brief description of the problem. Evidence of
purchase date must be provided to obtain warranty service.
4. Underwater flash is used to restore the warmer colors
filtered out by the water as well as to illuminate the subject.
When photographing underwater, set the camera to use flash
on every shot.
Ikelitte Underrwater SSystems
50 W 33rdd Street
Indiannapoliiss, IN 462208 USA
email: iikelitee@ikeliite.com
Digittal 611338-01--0103
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